Friday 26 November 2010

Review: Superman Earth One (Graphic Novel)

I like it when a Superman writer remembers that Superman also has a super-intellect...

Finally managed to get my hands on this book while in the city today (other stores had sold out), thank you Kinokuniya, still my favourite bookstore in Sydney. Read it on the way home, loved it! And OMG! I'm so glad I loved it, I had been worried because of what I'd seen other people saying about the book.

I liked the story, the new spin of a re-boot. And it was good too, to see where J. Michael Staczynski is coming from as a Superman fan himself, his heart's in the right place, he told a solid story, with just a few flaws that were easy to brush off.

Also liked the Superman interview at the end of the book, being interviewed by Clark Kent. It was an odd perspective as a reader in the real world to know that Clark had to be creative, and very much put all of himself into that article/interview. Taking Perry White's advice and ignoring his advice at the same time... read the book and you will know what I mean.

The art in the book was fantastic! And Clark Kent/Superman was drawn as he should be... handsome. This is a super guy, in many ways, including in the good looks department. Superman should never be visually ugly, this is a guy that makes the girls swoon.

To sum up, awesome book, I'm certainly now looking forward to the next book. I hope the wait is not long.

Friday 19 November 2010

My top Five of Music

I'm not really a music fan like most people are, I know more about tv shows and movies than music. But there are some artist's and groups that stand out with me. And off the top of my head I think the top five in no particular order might be:

Black Eyed Peas
Foo Fighters
Frenzel Rhomb
The Whitlams

I also like Enrique Iglesias, Mika, Fergie, Gorillaz, Johnny Cash, Dixie Chicks, George Michael and Usher, but there's only so much I can take of Usher serial cheater that he is (that's all he seems to sing about).

PS: I LOVE the John Williams Superman score. I can listen to the classic Superman fanfare over and over and over again. Yes I am a dag.

Collecting: Fishy Salt & Pepper Shakers

I found this unique pair of German salt & pepper shakers in a antique store in Katoomba in July this year. The 2nd edition to my very small salt & pepper shaker collection. The collection is now at 3 pairs of salt & pepper shakers.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Cabin in Progress - Some Furniture Moved

I've moved some furniture, switched some things around. My lounge area no longer has that cool black bookcase nook, but I have created more space around my desk, and exposed more of the main room to the only window.

The cabin still has a long way to go till I'll be satisfied with the look, but that's not going to happen until the budget allows. So I'm making do with what I've got now.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Found: Framed Still Life for Five Bucks

Had a place above my window that was empty, and looked wrong. Needed to fill it with something, yet I'm broke, and had nothing oblong shaped to fill the space even temporarily.

But today I got lucky, at my local op shop found this framed still life print with colours that I like for only $5. I might be able to work with this and decorate around it with a shabby chic theme.

And I've now googled the artist, it's 'Frchte-Stilleben' by E. Kruger.

Friday 15 October 2010

Review: CSI 11x04 Sqweegel

The latest episode of CSI is still sitting in my head. Looks like they have set up the serial killer for the season.

And I'm intrigued, my head is looking at all the angles, like how does Sqweegel choose his victims? Does he already know they have something to hide, and how would that link the victims. Or does he just choose some random publicized do-gooder, stalks them and then inevitably finds their hypocrisy.

As for the color of his eyes, could he be wearing contact lenses? He does deliberately create a persona to terrify his victims. Stalking around in a horrific manner.

Anyway, I like it that they have gone the fun and freaky route with this seasons big bad. Though I could be wrong and this one could be all wrapped up in the next episode... We will see!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday 11 October 2010

TV Shows On My Current Watch List

In the next few weeks I'm going to try and blog more about the tv shows I'm watching. And I watch a shitload of them right now. So much so, that I've crossed some off my list, the ones that are not grabbing me, so I don't waste my time with the luke-warm.

And the shows that are on my current watch list:

Boardwalk Empire
Covert Affairs
Criminal Minds
CSI (Las Vegas)
Doctor Who
Hawaii Five-0
Human Target
In Plain Sight
Lie to Me
Lost Girl
No Ordinary Family
Sons of Anarchy
The Cape (Not yet aired)
The Gates
The Good Guys
The Vampire Diaries
The Walking Dead (Not yet aired)
True Blood
Warehouse 13
White Collar

Review: The Telstra T-Box & Bigpond Movies

You know what... The Livejournal app for iPhone sucks.

Anyway, in other news, Telstra Bigpond gave me $50 credit to use with Bigpond Movies, etc, with the T-Box. So rented some movies during the weekend, which means it got a bit of testing this week.

The good: the user interface looks slick, and it's easy to use. Movie rentals download fast, they are ready to watch in just over 1 minute. And the picture quality is good, it's pretty much the same quality as DVD.

The bad: I may be too much of a power user for the device, I tend to click/scroll past selections really fast. Faster than it can load all info and related images, trailers etc on the screen. And I wonder if that might be a reason the renting feature stopped working for me after awhile, too much data in one sitting maybe. It did "error message" me on the 4-5th movie rental request. But it worked fine the next day.

More bad, but I hope only because it's early days: it's movie and tv renting library is pathetic. They don't even have the Transformers movies. And when I chose tv category "sci fi", all it had to offer was 2 seasons of Astroboy and 1 season of anime Blood.

Not so impressive yet, though it has it's tiny uses. But if at this time you want to rent with a device over the Internet I'd suggest going with the AppleTV (which has been updated and gone down in price) and use iiNet as your ISP. As the Telstra does not have the quota free download with iTunes that iiNet has, Telstra internet is only quota free with it's own Bigpond services.