Sunday 29 July 2012

Minimum Requirements Podcast

Introducing cool new pop culture podcast Minimum Requirements! Please join Boots, Brendan, Yianna and myself for a rollicking good time listening to whatever geek thing that’s got our attention. Discussing things like videogames, books, movies, tv shows and cheese!

You can find our podcast by searching “Minimum Requirements” (say that five times!) on iTunes or go straight to our official website here at Also follow Minimum Requirements on Twitter @MinReqShow  

Thursday 21 June 2012

iView on the Xbox

Last night I bought myself an Xbox. Playing a game on it was not the first thing I did… nope! The first thing I did after adding my profile was to go to the App section and add the iView app. I have a 46” tv, I’ve been looking forward to the time I can get iView on that beast. After the installation of iView, I then watched two programs, the first episode of Myf Warhurst’s Nice and the movie Mabo that aired on the ABC a week or so ago. Everything worked well, the picture was good. Obviously not High Definition, but still a good ‘standard definition’ picture. And it streamed instantly and perfectly, no stops and starts.

So, if you are an Australian with an Xbox, definitely be taking advantage of the iView app you can get on it. And catch up with some good tv programmes!

Friday 10 February 2012

Red Boots, will Garden

Saying goodbye to my Cabin of Geek near the Beach... soon it will be the Cosy Geek Apartment in the posh Hills District, where I'll be doing something new... gardening. That's right, I'm going to learn how to weed, prune bushes, and ride a ride-on mower! Be nifty with the whipper snipper and be a master of the clearing away of cobwebs. Fun!

Hoping I'll be alright at it, in preparation I've bought myself some boots to garden in, as there is one thing I hate, it's wet soggy sock feet. And of course they are red. Awesome eh! It's a special gift, being able to bring the geek to gardening.

And all this gardening should be a good time for me to finally catch up with the hundreds of podcasts I'm behind on. Like Crisis to Crisis a Superman Podcast, Between the Panels, Golden Age Superman, Geek Out Loud, Fulltimecasual, Nerdist Writer's Panel, Media Junkyard, Rift Riders and so many more...

And watch this space (meaning this blog) for upcoming decorating of my new abode. Of course it's going to be over the top, but also tasteful, home decorating with a geek enthusiasm.