Friday 19 November 2010

My top Five of Music

I'm not really a music fan like most people are, I know more about tv shows and movies than music. But there are some artist's and groups that stand out with me. And off the top of my head I think the top five in no particular order might be:

Black Eyed Peas
Foo Fighters
Frenzel Rhomb
The Whitlams

I also like Enrique Iglesias, Mika, Fergie, Gorillaz, Johnny Cash, Dixie Chicks, George Michael and Usher, but there's only so much I can take of Usher serial cheater that he is (that's all he seems to sing about).

PS: I LOVE the John Williams Superman score. I can listen to the classic Superman fanfare over and over and over again. Yes I am a dag.

Collecting: Fishy Salt & Pepper Shakers

I found this unique pair of German salt & pepper shakers in a antique store in Katoomba in July this year. The 2nd edition to my very small salt & pepper shaker collection. The collection is now at 3 pairs of salt & pepper shakers.